Thursday 24 March 2016

Chocolate Mousse



You will need:

250g Albany cooking chocolate

45ml Water

62ml Sugar

5ml Vanilla essence

4 Egg whites

250ml Fresh cream

Cream for garnish

30ml Cocoa

10ml Nescafe coffee

15ml Gelatine slaked in 83ml water

15ml Brandy, optional

What to do:

·         In double boiler melt the chocolate with water, sugar , Nescafe, vanilla and cocoa.

·         Remove the top part of the double boiler and melt the gelatine over the boiling water in the bottom half.

·         Beat the egg yolks into the chocolate the quickly beat in the melted gelatine and brandy.

·         Beat the egg whites until they are stiff but not dry. In another bowl, beat the cream until it is nice and fluffy.

·         Fold the egg whites in to the chocolate mixture, being careful to keep it nice and light.

·         Finally , fold the whipped cream into the mixture when it is cool enough not to melt the cream.

·         Pour into individual moulds. This mousse can be frozen or refrigirated.

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