Wednesday 20 July 2016


You will need:
100g plain flour
2 eggs
300ml milk
1 tbs cooking oil
A pinch of salt

What to do:
1.    Sieve flour salt into a large mixing bowl
2.    In the middle of the dry ingredients crack open the eggs
3.    Pour about 50mls of the milk and the oil
4.    Start whisking from the centre, gradually drawing the flour inte the eggs milk and oil.
5.    Beat until the texture is smooth and thick, add a little milk if too thick
6.    Add the rest of the milk to loosen the batter
7.    You may leave your batter for a few minutes before cooking
8.    Heat a pan over moderate heat then wipe with an oiled kitchen
9.    Spoon the batter in the pan tilting it so it spreads evenly over the pan
10.  Leave it to cook undisturbed in the pan for 30 seconds, once it starts to bubble you may flip it to cook the other side
11. Serve while hot with any topping of your choice: whipped cream, cinnamon sugar, golden or maple syrup, fruit pieces...etc.

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