Thursday 5 May 2016

Family favourite #1 - Nokza's creamy samp

We all love samp, now that it is colder outside, warm hearty food is all we need. My sister Nokuthula makes the best samp. I hope you will love it....

Cooking a good samp requires time, so do not cook it when you in a hurry.

You will need:
1kg samp
250g butter/margarine
salt to taste
200g Creamora powder
2tbs dried parsley
Water to soak and cook samp.

What to do:

1. Rinse samp in water, then pour boiling water enough to cover the samp in a deep pot add salt.
2. Cook samp for 3-4 hours over medium heat, constantly stirring and adding a little water to  it soaked.
3. When samp is cooked (it will be soft but not mashed) add butter and creamora, finish off with parsley.....

Enjoy is as it is or with some grilled chicken/stew/curry

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